
尺寸:5.5 cm Height, 8.7 cm Length 來源:台灣私人收藏 拍品描述:拍品為籽料,質地溫潤瑩白,紋理細膩無暇。整材掏膛而成,耗材頗大,器方型方口,四壁至底漸收。筆洗減地浮雕八仙圖為飾,山巒高低起伏,浮雲環繞山頭。八仙各持祥物,站坐身姿各異,構圖繁密有致,人物表情豐富,鏨刻工藝高超。口圓長邊的中間橫躺一回首龍,造型別緻。筆洗為古代文房必備之器,用以盛接大量清水,以備暈開濃墨,洗滌毛筆,因其形制比其它文房用具體積略大,故常以瓷、木、竹等質地的形式出現,而玉質筆洗無論製作還是加工雕刻均耗時費力,花費甚重,所以非鐘鳴鼎食之家而不能用之,為身份與地位的象徵。 參閱:清 青玉五蝠洗,北京故宮博物院藏。高5.1公分。

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Wire Transfer


Buyer pays Shipping Cost. Ethereal Auctioneers do not responsible for packing or shipping any items. We suggest our buyers contact DHL or EMS for shipping overseas. After our clients prepaid their shipping fee, We would be happy to help our clients with packing and send out their winning items.

January 8, 2023 1:00 PM CST
Taipei City, Taiwan

Ethereal Auctioneers

You agree to pay a buyer's premium of up to 22% and any applicable taxes and shipping.

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Bid Increments
From: To: Increments:
NT$0 NT$49,999 NT$5,000
NT$50,000 NT$99,999 NT$10,000
NT$100,000 NT$999,999 NT$20,000
NT$1,000,000 NT$9,999,999 NT$100,000
NT$10,000,000 + NT$200,000