
10.5 cm Length/ 3 cm Height 拍品描述:中國古代傳說中有許多珍奇異獸,人們透過雕塑與繪畫將其形象具象化。其 中辟邪則是漢代帶翼神獸的代表作。四足猛獸同時還長有翅膀的形象,最初 可能來自於西亞地區,「如虎添翼」說明其了不可限量的神性與能力。 本品取黃玉料,獸首及右側身略帶玉皮,局部有赭色沁,雕一獸伏地,作行 走狀。獸首似虎,頭頂有長角,角端分叉,雙目、雙耳皆浮雕而成,張口、 露齒、捲舌,神態兇猛。四肢壯碩有力,身側有翼,為前後兩組羽翼組成, 局部鬃毛及羽飾以陰線刻成。整體打磨精細、玻璃殼光飽滿,肢體動態更是 傳神。類似雕件可見參閱兩岸故宮的藏品,而參閱 3 之辟邪獸乃漢元帝陵墓 出土之物,可見此類玉雕昔時乃帝王賞玩之物。 參閱:1.青白玉辟邪,北京故宮博物院藏,長 13.5 公分。 2.西漢晚期至東漢 玉辟邪,國立故宮博物 院藏,長 12.9 公分。 3.漢 圓雕玉辟邪,咸陽博物院藏,漢元帝 渭陵北漢代建築遺址出土。長 6.2 公分。

Accepted Forms of Payment:

Wire Transfer


Buyer pays Shipping Cost. Ethereal Auctioneers do not responsible for packing or shipping any items. We suggest our buyers contact DHL or EMS for shipping overseas. After our clients prepaid their shipping fee, We would be happy to help our clients with packing and send out their winning items.

September 19, 2021 11:00 AM CST
Taipei City, Taiwan

Ethereal Auctioneers

You agree to pay a buyer's premium of up to 25% and any applicable taxes and shipping.

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Bid Increments
From: To: Increments:
NT$0 NT$49,999 NT$5,000
NT$50,000 NT$99,999 NT$10,000
NT$100,000 NT$999,999 NT$20,000
NT$1,000,000 NT$9,999,999 NT$100,000
NT$10,000,000 + NT$200,000